Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 4-Success

Reading this book is just uncovering all kinds of little secrets that these fast food chains use. Pretty soon we as a class should just open one :). It is funny to read that McDonald's seems to franchise their company for cheap, not only to make that up and much more in all the fees they charge. It kind of reminds me of a credit card, you think they are doing you a favor by crediting you money only to put you in debt for the rest of your lives with the fees they pound you with.

Also throughout the chapters they are always talking about where these fast food chains are located. And it is amazing how they always select the right location. They make it so convenient that it is almost impossible to pass up. You go some where then just want to go home and relax, McDonald's just makes it so easy to swing by and pick up a couple McChickens for two bucks. And even though I am realizing more bad about the fast food industry from reading this book, I still don't think I am going to be able to pass up the convenience and price of these places.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's a great idea. Say, we don't have Taco Bell in my country- how about if we start there?
