Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chapter 5-Why the fries taste good

This chapter talks about where the fries start and goes on the journey to when they end up on your plate. Along the way Schlosser states some interesting facts and goes in deep behind the scenes. I think the whole idea with him writing this book is just to gross everyone out in hopes to get them to slow down on eating fast food. But I don't think it will work the slightest bit.

On the other hand I think where Schlosser talks about where the flavors come from is very interesting. I knew that fast food put artificial flavors in their food but I had no idea that they come from the same places that make dish soap and shampoo. That is some what disturbing to know that a lot of these foods that you get from fast food places contain these flavors with these chemicals. But Its not something I will be thinking about when I am in a big hurry and starving and there is a McDonalds on the nearest corner.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 4-Success

Reading this book is just uncovering all kinds of little secrets that these fast food chains use. Pretty soon we as a class should just open one :). It is funny to read that McDonald's seems to franchise their company for cheap, not only to make that up and much more in all the fees they charge. It kind of reminds me of a credit card, you think they are doing you a favor by crediting you money only to put you in debt for the rest of your lives with the fees they pound you with.

Also throughout the chapters they are always talking about where these fast food chains are located. And it is amazing how they always select the right location. They make it so convenient that it is almost impossible to pass up. You go some where then just want to go home and relax, McDonald's just makes it so easy to swing by and pick up a couple McChickens for two bucks. And even though I am realizing more bad about the fast food industry from reading this book, I still don't think I am going to be able to pass up the convenience and price of these places.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Behind the counter

Growing up my mom always tried to get me to get a job at a fast food place to make a few extra bucks. But I always told her no and that I couldn't deal with the people always coming in complaining about the little things when they chose to get "fast" food. In reality though I guess that wasn't the main reason, I guess the reason I never got a job at a place like this was because of the low income. I always thought why work in a place for 5 hours to make 28 dollars(taking out some sort of taxes), when I can mow someones yard and make that. It also seemed impossible to get a job at a fast food place when trying to go to school and play sports, when would I work?

But on the other hand, now a days its hard to even get a job unless it is a chain store or fast food restaurant. To get a good paying job, with good job security, and benefits you have to go to college and if that don't work too the military. As Schlosser said these chain stores and fast food places being targeted to teens. He was right, but I think that is even more true now. I can see more teens trying to get these jobs now to even be able to do anything. With gas prices up, grocery prices up, and many parents even having trouble keeping jobs, teens are going to have to get these jobs to pay for gas and their insurance to help the family out. At least I hope so!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

"Your Trusted Friends"

Reading the second Chapter of Fast Food Nation, I found it to be very interesting that Walt Disney and Ray Kroc seem to be similar human beings. They both were born in Illinois, both around the same age, and both masterful salesman. And to become master salesman they both went with the idea of changing their target market to children. Very genius idea which paid off for both of them.

On, the other hand both Kroc and Disney are just worried about income. As the chapter goes on you can see where they came from and what they are turning into. These two would have done anything to be the top dog in the country even if it meant not helping out one another or if it meant that they had to help each other. They just wanted all the money and fame...But I guess wouldn't we all!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

"The harder you work, the luckier you become"

Today I sat down and read chapter 1 of Fast Food Nation before going to class and found it very interesting. Schlosser covered in the chapter Carl Karcher's life and where all of the entrepreneurs of all the big fast food chains came from. And to be honest, I had no idea that any of them started like that. It is crazy reading about someone paying $300-$400 dollars for a building or someone giving a Volkswagen Beetle for a half share of a company. This shows how much the value of money has went up over the last 100 years considering that $300-$400 will maybe buy me two books for college. Also, in the chapter it was nice to get a visual of how Southern California has went from being mostly citrus fields to being one of the most industrialized areas in the United States.