Monday, September 28, 2009

"Your Trusted Friends"

Reading the second Chapter of Fast Food Nation, I found it to be very interesting that Walt Disney and Ray Kroc seem to be similar human beings. They both were born in Illinois, both around the same age, and both masterful salesman. And to become master salesman they both went with the idea of changing their target market to children. Very genius idea which paid off for both of them.

On, the other hand both Kroc and Disney are just worried about income. As the chapter goes on you can see where they came from and what they are turning into. These two would have done anything to be the top dog in the country even if it meant not helping out one another or if it meant that they had to help each other. They just wanted all the money and fame...But I guess wouldn't we all!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

"The harder you work, the luckier you become"

Today I sat down and read chapter 1 of Fast Food Nation before going to class and found it very interesting. Schlosser covered in the chapter Carl Karcher's life and where all of the entrepreneurs of all the big fast food chains came from. And to be honest, I had no idea that any of them started like that. It is crazy reading about someone paying $300-$400 dollars for a building or someone giving a Volkswagen Beetle for a half share of a company. This shows how much the value of money has went up over the last 100 years considering that $300-$400 will maybe buy me two books for college. Also, in the chapter it was nice to get a visual of how Southern California has went from being mostly citrus fields to being one of the most industrialized areas in the United States.